Le Senateur

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Archive from February 2011

Conservatives lose weight… and measures

18 February 2021 at 16h00

Ottawa, February 18, 2021 - Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette condemns the crass electioneering tactics used by conservative Senators on Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Weights and Measures Act or, as the short title, Fairness at the Pumps Act.

“The short title of this bill is pure electioneering rhetoric that bears no relation to the contents of the Bill. This is just another spin tactic, “said Senator Hervieux-Payette.”They want to impress voters by giving the impression that gasoline retailers cheat Canadian consumers and that the government will intervene on their behalf. However, Measurement Canada recognizes that measures of gas pumps are among the most accurate! ”

Testifying at the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce, l’Association québécoise des indépendants du pétrole and the Canadian Independent Petroleum Marketers Association both condemned how this bill discredits retailers.

“Therefore, I suggested we call this bill Act on fairness of weights and measures. It is clear and objective. But all conservative Senators voted against it,” regretted Senator Hervieux-Payette.

Witnesses at the Committee asked that there be no regulatory duplication between the federal and provincial governments because legislation on measurement devices already exists in Quebec. “But the Conservatives, in their great wisdom as “good” financial managers have not wanted to take into account the situation of the provinces and territories. This will end up being another example of unnecessary increases in transaction costs for SMEs in Quebec,” added Senator Hervieux-Payette.

Finally, Bill C-14 will discriminate against small and medium enterprises (SMEs). According to Senator Pierrette Ringuette, “the cost of implementing this law is estimated at 90 million. It is too heavy a burden for independent retailers.”

Seals at the WTO

17 February 2021 at 17h04

Ottawa, February 16, 2021 - Senator Celine Hervieux-Payette reaffirms her solidarity with all Canadians sealers and is pleased that a formal complaint has now been filed by Canada before the World Trade Organization (WTO) against the European Union’s decision to boycott seal products.

“I am pleased that the Government of Canada has decided to continue its opposition of the European seal boycott before the bodies of international trade,” said Senator Hervieux-Payette. “This is not just an industry that is affected by vegetarian extremist groups but these are families, communities, Inuit and modest people who are attacked simply because they live by the sea in harmony with their environment.”

The Senator said that the endangered bluefin tuna has yet to benefit from the pseudo-morality of Europe.

“In Europe, animal protection seems to be based on national interests. It is therefore easier for the EU to preach ethics to Canadians who properly monitor and protect the seal population than to its own member countries who are decimating tuna stocks,” continued the Senator.

Since Canada’s appeal at the WTO may take up to 3 years, Senator Hervieux-Payette demands appropriate financial compensation from the federal government to guarantee sealer’s income at 2005 levels if they were to suffer the consequences of a European boycott. She also supports the intensive promotion of seal products in China by the Canadian government.

Harper`s conservatives are against women`s equality

3 February 2021 at 20h18

OTTAWA, February 3, 2021 – Senators Conservatives kill Bill S-206, An Act to establish gender parity on the board of directors of certain corporations, financial institutions and parent Crown corporations.

Senator Hervieux-Payette denounces the Conservatives’ refusal to give women the right to be equally represented on boards of directors. 

“The Conservatives have a particularly regressive view of women in our society. In this case, they absolutely do not believe they are entitled to equal representation with men on boards of directors of our companies, “said Senator Hervieux-Payette.

Numerous studies and witnesses who testified before the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce on Bill S-206 demonstrated that greater diversity in boards of directors leads to greater economic performance.

“The Conservatives are unable to put aside their medieval reformist ideology even when it comes to improving the effectiveness of our businesses in the aftermath of a major economic crisis. How can we still think they are good managers when they do not want to reform boards that were one of the culprits behind one of the biggest economic crises in modern history? “continued the Senator.

Conservative senators killed Bill S-206 by refusing to vote clause by clause and demanding that the proceedings be in-camera.

“The Conservatives have once again shown their contempt for our democratic institutions and their lack of transparency by voting for in-camera discussions to finally refuse to vote on my bill. A situation the Harper Conservatives never cease to reproduce. It is shameful for our democracy, “concluded Senator Hervieux-Payette.

The Liberal Party of Canada believes that the strength of Canadian society is dependent on the full participation of women in our economy, our government and all the country’s decision-making processes.

Les Conservateurs de Harper s’opposent à l’égalité des femmes !

3 February 2021 at 20h14

OTTAWA, le 03 février 2011 –  Les Sénateurs Conservateurs tuent le projet de loi S-206, Loi visant à assurer la parité de genre dans les conseils d’administration de certaines personnes morales, institutions financières et sociétés d’État mères.

Le Sénateur Hervieux-Payette dénonce le refus des Conservateurs de donner aux femmes le droit d’être représentées de manière égale au sein des Conseils d’administration.

« Les Conservateurs ont une vision particulièrement régressive de la femme dans notre société. En l’espèce, ils ne croient absolument pas qu’elles ont droit à la même représentation que les hommes au sein des conseils d’administration de nos entreprises » a déclaré le Sénateur Hervieux-Payette.

Nombreuses études et témoins venus discuter du projet de loi S-206 devant le Comité permanent des banques et du commerce, attestent qu’une plus grande diversité dans un conseil d’administration est le gage d’une meilleure efficacité économique.

« Les Conservateurs sont incapables de mettre de côté leur idéologie réformiste moyenâgeuse même quand il s’agit d’améliorer l’efficacité de nos entreprises au lendemain d’une crise majeure. Comment peut-on encore penser qu’ils sont de bons gestionnaires quand ils ne veulent pas réformer les conseils d’administration qui ont été l’un des acteurs de l’une des plus grandes crises économiques de notre histoire moderne ? » a poursuivi le Sénateur.

Les Sénateurs Conservateurs ont tué le projet de loi S-206 en refusant de le voter article par article et en exigeant le huis-clos.

« Les Conservateurs ont une nouvelle fois démontré leur mépris de nos institutions démocratiques et leur manque de transparence en votant le huis clos pour finalement refuser de voter sur mon projet de loi. Une situation inédite qu’ils ne cessent de reproduire. C’est déshonorant pour notre démocratie » a conclu le Sénateur Hervieux-Payette.

Le Parti Libéral du Canada croit que la force de la société canadienne repose sur la pleine participation des femmes à notre économie, à notre gouvernement et à tous les processus décisionnels du pays.


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