Le Senateur

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S'enregistrer au Flux RSS Le Sénat du Canada

Against the standard child-rearing violence

Join the Official Facebook Group to support the Senator Hervieux-Payette’s initiativefacebook_logo
Section 43 of the Criminal Code is a 19th century provision allowing parents to hit children for the purpose of “correction.” Standard child-rearing violence causes harm to children. It carries the risk of physical injury and negative psychological impact. Children who are physically punished are more likely to exhibit anxiety, depression or aggressive behaviour such as bullying.

1- Join our campaign to repeal Section 43. Support Senator Hervieux-Payette’s initiative.

Contact the Prime Minister of Canada and your local M.P. to urge support.

For information on Section 43 of the Criminal Code and the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, visit www.repeal43.org.

Express your support to the Senator Hervieux-Payette.

 2- Support the Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth

We, the co-signing organizations of the joint statement, urge the repeal of Section 43 and call on the government to send a message that children have the same right to protection from assault as all other Canadians.

For more information on the joint statement, please visit:

CHEO - Joint Statement


Sweden (1979), Finland (1983), Norway (1987), Austria (1989), Cyprus (1994), Denmark (1997), Lettonia (1998), Croatia (1999), Bulgaria (2000), Germany (2000), Israel (2000), Island (2003), Ukrainia (2004), Romania (2004), Hungria (2005), Greece (2006), Holland (2007), New-Zealand (2007), Portugal (2007), Uruguay (2007), Venezuela (2007), Spain(2007), Costa Rica (2008), Moldavia (2008), Luxembourg (2008), Liechtenstein, Tunisia, Poland and Kenya (2010).


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