Le Senateur

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Post under ‘crime’ tag

Abolition of the gun registry - Bill C-19, April 4, 2021

5 April 2021 at 18h02

Yesterday was a sad day for women who are victims of  violence, a disastrous day for Canadians suffering from depression and who are at risk of committing suicide, a dark day for the police officers who keep our communities safe, a day of shame for Canadians who want Canada to comply with international conventions on gun control. But a day of great celebration for the National Rifle Association.

Bill C-19 is a murderous law. Unfortunately it could kill more than just the gun registry. The Harper government will have to assume the consequences of this unjust law and the deaths that will result from its adoption.

Senator Celine Hervieux Payette, P.C.
Official spokesperson of the Liberal Party of Canada on C-19 in the Senate

Gun registry: Bill C-19 is simply not the answer

4 April 2021 at 16h01

Honourable senators, it is with sadness that I rise today after the study of this bill in committee. I would simply like to reassure the Canadian people who attended the committee hearings and tell them that there were some people who heard them, who listened to them and who gleaned from their testimony that they were people of good faith who were not acting out of self-interest, but who had the best interests of Canadians at heart.

As a senator from the Bedford region in Quebec, I would first like to say that I completely agree with the Government of Quebec, which voiced its opinion through its minister, who appeared in the other place and, through a motion passed unanimously by the National Assembly, requested that Parliament keep a universal firearms registry system.

Quebec government officials believe that a long-gun registry is useful and essential for crime prevention, policing and the administration of justice.

Contrary to certain claims, non-restricted firearms are used more often than we think to commit offences against the person. The minister told us that, between 2003 and 2009, this type of weapon was used in more than 2,000 violent offences in Quebec.


My speech against the conservative’s time allocation motion on Bill C-10

2 March 2021 at 16h25

Honourable senators, I am usually very pleased to rise and speak in this place, but today, it is with great sadness and more importantly it is with great concern that I speak to this motion to limit the time for debate.

I would like to mention a few recent issues that clearly demonstrate the kind of federalism this government likes to practice. With regard to health care agreements, there was absolutely no consultation. The provinces were simply told, “Here is what you are getting; take it or leave it.” In other words, “It’s our way or no way”.

Coming from Quebec, this is not necessarily how I imagined the spirit of Confederation. A federal government implies some degree of power-sharing, and when this power is shared by two levels of government, they first have to agree to discuss how to address operational issues.

I remember one file that was the subject of considerable consultation: the Kelowna Accord. All that work was tossed out the window the day after the Conservative government came to power. The provinces, the federal government and all stakeholders had come to an agreement on how to address the problems facing Aboriginal populations, involving everyone and ensuring a step in the right direction. Still today, these issues are definitely not receiving the attention they deserve.

The same is true regarding justice. As we all know, the administration of justice — including the prosecutors and the courts — comes under provincial jurisdiction. Whenever changes to the Criminal Code — which is in federal jurisdiction — were being considered, there always was consultation. I used to be an MP in the House of Commons and now I am a senator, and I believe that it is the federal government’s duty to ensure that, when passing legislation whose application concerns both levels of government, both sides come together to discuss it. (more…)

C-10: to combat crime effectively and in the long term, we cannot limit ourselves to imprisoning offenders

14 December 2021 at 22h41

My speech in the Senate on Bill C-10, Safe Streets and Communities Act

Honourable senators, the Conservative government is proving once again, by introducing Bill C-10, which it calls the Safe Streets and Communities Act, that in matters of justice, it is only motivated by ideology and fear-mongering. There is no rational basis worthy of the name to explain the Conservative initiative to increase the number of automatic sentences, as our leader mentioned, and make the Youth Criminal Justice Act more repressive.

Instead of relying on studies by experts on issues related to Bill C-10, the Conservative government prefers, in a spirit more partisan than ever, to move forward with its omnibus bill. In keeping its electoral promise to introduce this rather voluminous bill in the first 100 days following its election, the Conservative regime knew full well that legal, social and medical stakeholders would have very little time to submit written opinions and less than five minutes to present them.


Bill C-10: Even Texas Republicans wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole!

20 October 2021 at 15h20

Yesterday I asked the government about the consequences of Bill C-10, a Bill that will increase prison sentences and require judges to impose minimum sentences. This Bill will mainly impact Aboriginal women and young offenders by increasing their chances to reoffend . Even Texas Republicans agree that Bill C-10 will not reduce crime,  will be extremely costly and is totally inefficient. We should all be worried about the future of Canada when Texas Republicans believe that Harper’s tough on crime agenda is too ideological and too right-wing.

“Honourable senators, my question is directed to the Leader of the Government in the Senate.

1) Aboriginal Women in Prison

Aboriginal women are unjustly targeted by Bill C-10. According to the Native Women’s Association of Canada, as of 2011, Aboriginal women represent less than 4 per cent of the Canadian population but over 34 per cent of the federal prison population.

The Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada states that the higher rate of incarceration for Aboriginal peoples has been linked to systemic discrimination and attitudes based on racial and/or cultural prejudice, as well as economic and social deprivation, substance abuse, or a cycle of violence across generations.

Bill C-10 will guarantee that Aboriginal women remain in prison for longer and will greatly reduce their chances of reintegrating into society with skills that would enable them to break free from a life of crime.

When will the Conservative government amend Bill C-10 by taking into consideration these facts and addressing the numerous socio-economic problems that force these women into an endless cycle of criminality and despair?



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