Le Senateur

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S'enregistrer au Flux RSS Le Sénat du Canada

Post under ‘s-225’ tag

Reorganization and Privatization of Atomic Energy of Canada Bill

2 December 2021 at 15h16

Having realized the indifference of the Conservative government towards strategic economic sectors in Canada and its emphasis on short-term political and financial gains, I decided to follow up on the recommendations made by the nuclear industry during the hearings on AECL this summer at the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance.

The solutions I propose in this bill aim to effectively reorganize AECL into a profitable organization that will be able to continue to benefit Canada. They also aim to boost confidence in this organization’s ability to research, engineer, manufacture, install, repair and refurbish CANDU reactors at home and abroad.

S-225 second reading speech   Advantages of S-225


19 November 2021 at 21h44




Senator Hervieux-Payette tables Bill to Save Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (aecl)



 Ottawa, November 18th, 2010 – Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette tabled a Bill S-225 in the Senate to save Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. Her Bill titled: An Act concerning the reorganization and privatization of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and providing for other measures relating to nuclear energy.


”Today, I have provided a platform that proposes solutions that will enable AECL to be ready for the incoming nuclear renaissance,” said Senator Hervieux-Payette.


Having realized the indifference of the conservative government towards strategic economic sectors in Canada and their emphasis on short term political and financial gains, Senator Hervieux-Payette decided to follow up on the recommendations made by the Nuclear Industry during the hearings on AECL this summer at the Senate Standing Committee on National Finance.


“The conservatives never learnt from their mistakes, they want to create another Avro Arrow with AECL,” she added.


Under this Bill, 30% of AECL would be sold off to the private sector while the federal government would maintain control of 70 % of the corporation. “AECL is a vanguard and profitable company, it is part of our heritage and we must take action now to ensure that it remains at the service of Canadians for generations to come,” concluded Senator Hervieux-Payette.


Bill S-225


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