Le Senateur

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Archive from June 2012

My last stand against Bill C-38 before the final vote!

29 June 2021 at 15h53

 Honourable senators, before sharing my thoughts on the budget with you, I would like to remind the Senate of certain facts — not propaganda — about the Liberal government’s last three budgets.

In 2003, Canada enjoyed a $9.1 billion surplus; in 2004, a $1.5 billion surplus; and in 2005, a $13.2 billion surplus. I am talking about the facts, the reality and responsible people who managed the country’s affairs.

Let us now look at the last three budgets of the Conservative Party. In 2009, Canada was running a $55.6 billion deficit; in 2010, a $40.5 billion deficit; and in 2011, when we did a little better, a $29.6 billion deficit. All of that is to say, honourable senators, that Canada now has a national debt totalling $586 billion. Before this bill is passed, it is important to understand the direction Canada is heading in and what the current trend is. I think these numbers give us something to think about: the difference between a responsible government and one that does not know where it is headed.

It might also be worthwhile to point out the real title of the bill: An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2021 and other measures.

The part I have a problem with is the “and other measures.” As my colleagues mentioned, this bill amends 70 laws. It is 425 pages long and contains 753 clauses that require close inspection. The government would have us believe that this bill is about jobs, growth and prosperity.

I will show how the government’s lack of transparency, lack of integrity, and lack of consultation and collaboration with the provinces and the people are threatening Canada’s national unity, economic future and international reputation.

I believe that Bill C-38 is a virulent attack on provincial jurisdiction. Consider employment insurance. For all intents and purposes, the government is introducing subjective rules about suitable employment and what workers will be required to do. Of course, this will not typically affect workers earning $100,000 or more per year. During my speech, I will refer to conversations I have had with Canadians who have shared their concerns with us. (more…)

Is the Transpacific Partnership the trojan horse of supply management?

28 June 2021 at 20h03

Senator Hervieux-Payette: I think that Ms. Findlay was talking mainly about supply management, including chicken, milk and eggs — the high-quality food products produced by our Canadian farmers.

I would really like to know how dismantling organizations that ensure a decent income for our farmers is going to factor into the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and what concessions your government is prepared to make. After agreeing to accept the proposal that was already on the table, now you are going to turn over much of our market and sell out our farmers. (more…)

Transpacific Parternship: are the Conservatives capitulating to the Americans?

28 June 2021 at 20h01

Hon. Céline Hervieux-Payette: Honourable senators, my question is for the Leader of the Government in the Senate.

Madam leader, Canada’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations raises a number of questions, including questions about the lack of transparency in the negotiations. Parliamentarians and Canadians are completely in the dark about the terms of this free trade agreement. Moreover, by participating in these talks, Canada has tacitly approved the terms that were negotiated before Canada became involved in the process. Canada will therefore have second-class status because the Americans have stipulated that Canada will not be entitled to veto any of the chapters that have already been included in the agreement. As you celebrate the 1812 victory against the Americans, why is your government caving in before even taking a seat at the table? (more…)

Transpacific Partnership: will Canada suffer dumping to the detriment of our food safety?

21 June 2021 at 15h42

Hon. Céline Hervieux-Payette: Honourable senators, my question is for the Leader of the Government in the Senate. The announcement that the Government of Canada will be participating in free trade negotiations with the Pacific Rim countries raises not just the issue of protecting our supply management system, but also the issues of environmental dumping and social dumping, which could plague Canada even more.

Dumping occurs when goods are imported at a price lower than their value because production standards in the country of origin are lower than those for goods produced in Canada. Some countries sell competitive goods on the Canadian market because their minimum wage, if it exists, is lower than ours, their labour rights provide less protection for workers than what is afforded to our workers, and their health and environmental standards are lower than Canada’s. Thus, not only does our agri-food industry face unfair competition, but our societal model and food safety are also threatened.

Can the leader tell us if, as a member of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Canada would strongly oppose imports of products that could erode the working conditions of Canadian workers and lower the quality of the products they produce?


Goodbye Equity: Conservatives eliminate employment equity obligations for federal government contractors

5 June 2021 at 14h25

OTTAWA, June 5th, 2012 – Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette denounces article 602 of the Conservative omnibus budget Bill C-38 which removes a clause in the Employment Equity Act (EEA), requiring contractors to comply with employment equity in the Federal Contractors Program (FCP).

This will have a negative impact on the employment access of women, the disabled, Aboriginals and visible minorities and demonstrates the conservatives’ desire to destroy any progress gained by these groups since Confederation.

“With their majority in the House of Commons and the Senate, the Conservatives have both hands on the wheel, their foot on the gas pedal and the transmission stuck in reverse” said Senator Hervieux-Payette. “We will lose 25 years of economic and social progress. This is a regressive and archaic decision that goes against common sense,” continued the Senator.



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