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Archive from April 2012

Harper scraps the Women’s Health Contribution Program

27 April 2021 at 16h42

Honourable senators, it is with immense sadness that I speak to deplore the end of the Women’s Health Contribution Program.

The program supported community-academic partnerships in the development and dissemination of policy research and information for women’s health. The program was managed by the Bureau of Women’s Health and Gender Analysis. Let us not forget that clinical drug trials are now done separately for men and women, which is something new that began a few years ago. The program contributed approximately $2.95 million annually to eligible recipients. It supported the Centres of Excellence for Women’s Health, Canadian Women’s Health Network, working groups and other initiatives that address specific policy issues in women’s health. The following organizations received support for their research: the Réseau québécois d’action pour la santé des femmes, the Canadian Women’s Health Network, the Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, the British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, the Prairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence, and the National Network on Environments and Women’s Health, located across the country from Vancouver to Halifax. (more…)

Conservatives threathen Canadian healthcare

27 April 2021 at 16h27

Hon. Céline Hervieux-Payette: My question for the leader was about Canada in particular, but we have also seen that the government’s commitment to women’s health outside the country has limits and that a Conservative rather than a Liberal approach is being taken to women’s health.

The Prime Minister has always talked about open federalism. We are wondering what has happened to this openness because, after the conference of health ministers, he announced the new formula without undertaking any consultations. When will the Prime Minister hold a real federal-provincial health conference, focussed on health and especially on developing best practices for the health sector, instead of making threats every week about reduced accessibility and tolerating private sector involvement in the public sector, knowing that the number of health workers is limited and that, together with the provinces, we must devise new models that will be accessible to all Canadians?

When will the Prime Minister of Canada and the provincial ministers of health meet to discuss healthcare? (more…)

Are the Conservatives planning on privatising Canada’s jails?

25 April 2021 at 15h15

Hon. Céline Hervieux-Payette: Honourable senators, my question is for the Leader of the Government in the Senate. According to the Parliamentary Budget Officer, Kevin Page, passage of Bill C-10 will result in a huge increase in the inmate population and will force the federal and provincial governments to build new prisons.

However, Mr. Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety, made a decision last week that is at odds with this information when he announced the closure of the Kingston and Laval penitentiaries. Oddly enough, the recent federal budget does not include funds for the construction of new prisons to replace these institutions.

Can the leader tell us what strategy her government will use to deal with the increase in inmates resulting from Bill C-10 and the reduction in cells to hold these inmates, either in Kingston or Laval, and what is the overall plan for the appropriate incarceration of these inmates? (more…)

Abolition of the gun registry - Bill C-19, April 4, 2021

5 April 2021 at 18h02

Yesterday was a sad day for women who are victims of  violence, a disastrous day for Canadians suffering from depression and who are at risk of committing suicide, a dark day for the police officers who keep our communities safe, a day of shame for Canadians who want Canada to comply with international conventions on gun control. But a day of great celebration for the National Rifle Association.

Bill C-19 is a murderous law. Unfortunately it could kill more than just the gun registry. The Harper government will have to assume the consequences of this unjust law and the deaths that will result from its adoption.

Senator Celine Hervieux Payette, P.C.
Official spokesperson of the Liberal Party of Canada on C-19 in the Senate

Gun registry: Bill C-19 is simply not the answer

4 April 2021 at 16h01

Honourable senators, it is with sadness that I rise today after the study of this bill in committee. I would simply like to reassure the Canadian people who attended the committee hearings and tell them that there were some people who heard them, who listened to them and who gleaned from their testimony that they were people of good faith who were not acting out of self-interest, but who had the best interests of Canadians at heart.

As a senator from the Bedford region in Quebec, I would first like to say that I completely agree with the Government of Quebec, which voiced its opinion through its minister, who appeared in the other place and, through a motion passed unanimously by the National Assembly, requested that Parliament keep a universal firearms registry system.

Quebec government officials believe that a long-gun registry is useful and essential for crime prevention, policing and the administration of justice.

Contrary to certain claims, non-restricted firearms are used more often than we think to commit offences against the person. The minister told us that, between 2003 and 2009, this type of weapon was used in more than 2,000 violent offences in Quebec.



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