Le Senateur

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Archive from March 2012

Aveos and the Conservative Economic Inaction Plan

29 March 2021 at 15h01

Hon. Céline Hervieux-Payette: Honourable senators, you understand that the presumed loss of jobs in Montréal, Winnipeg and Mississauga is not convincing. This is another way of intimidating the workers regarding the issue of bargaining with Air Canada, which, as we all know, has a less than stellar record when it comes to bargaining and labour relations. But there appears to be a double standard here. There does not seem to have been any committee that could have ordered the government to intervene in the case of Air Canada; the government intervened right away.

Can someone tell us when the minister will intervene? There are 1,800 people out on the street and families are suffering. People have the right to have a job. Until the government says it will obey the law, who will take care of maintenance on these planes? I believe that safety does fall under your jurisdiction. So, when does the government plan to intervene and put an end to this intimidation? (more…)

Killing the gun registry: all about money, business and lobbying

9 March 2021 at 15h30

Hon. Céline Hervieux-Payette: Honourable senators, today is a rather sad day for me because, as opposition critic, I must discuss Bill C-19, despite the fact that it is International Women’s Day.

I come from a province where women have been the victims of gun violence, but where they also waged an extraordinary campaign to ensure the passage of the legislation that the government wants to abandon today. The abandonment of this bill will prevent victims’ families and friends from having the satisfaction of knowing that the loss of their daughters and friends was not in vain.

I would like to give an overview of the situation in order to help my Conservative colleagues understand that the changes made to this legislation are measures that will certainly not help to move Canada forward on the international front and will certainly not help to further the cause of women’s rights. (more…)

My speech against the conservative’s time allocation motion on Bill C-10

2 March 2021 at 16h25

Honourable senators, I am usually very pleased to rise and speak in this place, but today, it is with great sadness and more importantly it is with great concern that I speak to this motion to limit the time for debate.

I would like to mention a few recent issues that clearly demonstrate the kind of federalism this government likes to practice. With regard to health care agreements, there was absolutely no consultation. The provinces were simply told, “Here is what you are getting; take it or leave it.” In other words, “It’s our way or no way”.

Coming from Quebec, this is not necessarily how I imagined the spirit of Confederation. A federal government implies some degree of power-sharing, and when this power is shared by two levels of government, they first have to agree to discuss how to address operational issues.

I remember one file that was the subject of considerable consultation: the Kelowna Accord. All that work was tossed out the window the day after the Conservative government came to power. The provinces, the federal government and all stakeholders had come to an agreement on how to address the problems facing Aboriginal populations, involving everyone and ensuring a step in the right direction. Still today, these issues are definitely not receiving the attention they deserve.

The same is true regarding justice. As we all know, the administration of justice — including the prosecutors and the courts — comes under provincial jurisdiction. Whenever changes to the Criminal Code — which is in federal jurisdiction — were being considered, there always was consultation. I used to be an MP in the House of Commons and now I am a senator, and I believe that it is the federal government’s duty to ensure that, when passing legislation whose application concerns both levels of government, both sides come together to discuss it. (more…)


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