My speech in the Senate on Bill C-10, Safe Streets and Communities Act
Honourable senators, the Conservative government is proving once again, by introducing Bill C-10, which it calls the Safe Streets and Communities Act, that in matters of justice, it is only motivated by ideology and fear-mongering. There is no rational basis worthy of the name to explain the Conservative initiative to increase the number of automatic sentences, as our leader mentioned, and make the Youth Criminal Justice Act more repressive.
Instead of relying on studies by experts on issues related to Bill C-10, the Conservative government prefers, in a spirit more partisan than ever, to move forward with its omnibus bill. In keeping its electoral promise to introduce this rather voluminous bill in the first 100 days following its election, the Conservative regime knew full well that legal, social and medical stakeholders would have very little time to submit written opinions and less than five minutes to present them.