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Archive from October 2009

Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette files a complaint against CTV and Journalist Robert Fife

27 October 2021 at 10h18

tvI have written a formal complaint to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council dated October 21, 2009, against the CTV network and Robert Fife, a CTV journalist, for violating the code of ethics of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB) and the Radio Television News Directors Association of Canada (RTNDA)

In a CTV report concerning the Senate’s review of Bill C-25, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (limiting credit for time spent in pre-sentencing custody), journalist Robert Fife “grossly manipulated public opinion.”


“CTV tried to convince Canadians that Liberal senators killed Bill C-25 and supported criminals, said Senator Hervieux-Payette. CTV claimed that Conservative senators wanted to support the bill, while they clearly refused to do so. This is false. In fact, Conservative senators blocked debate and suspended the work of the Senate for 10 days but CTV misrepresented these facts as reported by Canadian Press“.


CTV had violated clauses 5 and 6 of the CAB’s code of ethics concerning the accuracy and impartiality of broadcasters. I also feel that Mr. Fife violated articles 1, 3 and 5 of the RTNDA code of ethics concerning journalistic accuracy, authenticity and independence.


“We are dealing with a Conservative government that manipulates the Canadian public by putting its party`s logo on government cheques, models the symbols used by our  Olympic athletes on its own logo, sweeps reports on torture in Afghanistan under the carpet and conducts misleading advertising campaigns … and CTV is paid to broadcast these schemes”.


“I am asking that the independence of the network and its editorial staff in relation to the government be examined”.





CBSC Complaint Letter         Press Release


Media Reports of Interest:

“This is a very interesting development. I mean, CTV is developing quite a history of coverage which isn’t exactly fair and balanced when it comes to the political scene (and witness the incident with Stéphane Dion’s false start interview and Mike Duffy, who wound up in the Senate for his good work). And I’m glad that the Senator is speaking out about it.”  Dale Smith


Full Article

Seal Meat: A Healthy Food Option

22 October 2021 at 11h37

Follow me on my new Twitter Page

15 October 2021 at 11h29

twitterToday, I have officially launched my Twitter page in order to reach Canadians more effectively. Please follow me at

Parliamentarians from Latin America adopt strategies to eliminate violence against children

14 October 2021 at 15h15


Parliamentarians focused on the many actions they can take to prevent and eliminate violence against children, including:

  • Adopting legislation that prohibits all forms of violence against children including corporal punishment in the home, and the promotion of protection measures within the judicial system that prevent the re-victimization of children.
  • Allocating resources to violence prevention and the creation of protective environments for children.
  • Improving monitoring and reporting mechanisms so that laws and budgets for the prevention of violence against children are properly implemented.
  • Working with the media to generate a public discussion on the topic and to disseminate information.
  • Interacting directly with children and enabling their participation in the legislative process.
  • Ensuring that national parliaments participate in the follow-up and implementation of recommendations made by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Secretary-General’s global study on violence against children.
  • Strengthening partnerships with all stakeholders to prevent violence against children, including civil society, international organizations and the private sector.






Child education: a conservative MP “seems to be advocating the use of force”

9 October 2021 at 17h46

leader-post logo





[...] to seem clearly to be advocating the use of force without defining its limits, such as Ms. Block’s mail-out does, is particularly disturbing.

Without some clarification on her part, it could be seen as advocating a form of discipline for which there is not one iota of scientific data to indicate it is anything but destructive.

That this stance should come from an erstwhile member of the Saskatoon Health Region, which should be playing a front-line role in identifying potentially dangerous behaviour, makes her parliamentary missive even more disturbing.

Read the article of the Leader Post




Seal hunters: the conservative government is still refusing a financial assistance

9 October 2021 at 15h05



Extract [...] I am pleased that Minister Shea and Minister Stockwell Day are contesting the European decision before the WTO. I urge them to take the appropriate action as quickly as possible.

But this decision is far from being enough. It will leave our hunters in disarray while they wait out some obscure procedures without any guarantee of a positive outcome.

I am therefore formally asking Minister Shea to reconsider her position and to ask the Prime Minister to provide annual financial assistance, while the proceedings are before the WTO. After all, seal hunters are worth just as much as automobile workers [...].

— The Honourable Céline Hervieux-Payette, PC, Senator





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