Le Senateur

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S'enregistrer au Flux RSS Le Sénat du Canada

Post under ‘law and order’ tag

The EurekaWatt prize goes to Stockwell Day (according to unreported votes)!

5 August 2021 at 12h50


I have decided to award the EurekaWatt prize of 0 Watts to the Honourable Stockwell Day P.C. for his comments at a press conference on the rise in unreported crimes. Apparently, this government possesses the gift to measure data that has yet to be collected.

Thus, according to the non collected data of the conservative government, I have the pleasure to announce the disappearance of CO2 emissions, the elimination of our public debt and an incredible increase in tourism around the G20 fake lake.

With such an ideology and such great illusionists at the head of our country no wonder statistics Canada is unnecessary!


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