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Post under ‘Europe’ tag

Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette applauds Québec’s decision to support the Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvest of Seals

7 December 2021 at 16h32


“I applaud the decision of the government of Québec to support the Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvest of Seals (www.sealsonline.org), said Senator Hervieux-Payette who lead the project, and am delighted by Québec’s strong implication in the negotiations between Canada and the European Union on a free trade agreement.”

Written by a team of seven experts and scientists from six Canadian provinces and territories and the United States, the Universal Declaration will be a starting point for new discussions between North Americans and Europeans on the topic of marine mammal welfare, including the seal.

The Declaration aims to establish common ethical principles for all seal-hunting countries by promoting a three-way balance between ensuring animal welfare, ensuring the well being of human communities and protecting species and ecosystems.

“This declaration fits perfectly with the vision of the government of Quebec in promoting a seal hunt that is sustainable and free of cruelty,” wrote the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Mr. Claude Béchard in his letter written to the Senator on the 3rd of December 2009. “The government of Québec has been collaborating for many years with the industry and other governments to ensure that the hunt is carried out by respecting the highest international standards,emphasized the Minister.

The Declaration has also received the support of the government of Newfoundland and Labrador along with the international organization for animal conservation IWMC World Conservation Trust based in Switzerland.

Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette urges all governments and concerned organizations to promote and study the application of the Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvest of Seals written by a panel of experts.




Seal hunters: the conservative government is still refusing a financial assistance

9 October 2021 at 15h05



Extract [...] I am pleased that Minister Shea and Minister Stockwell Day are contesting the European decision before the WTO. I urge them to take the appropriate action as quickly as possible.

But this decision is far from being enough. It will leave our hunters in disarray while they wait out some obscure procedures without any guarantee of a positive outcome.

I am therefore formally asking Minister Shea to reconsider her position and to ask the Prime Minister to provide annual financial assistance, while the proceedings are before the WTO. After all, seal hunters are worth just as much as automobile workers [...].

— The Honourable Céline Hervieux-Payette, PC, Senator




Letter to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada

31 July 2021 at 10h35


Dear Minister,

The growing threat to the future of our seal hunters originates with powerful lobby groups that claim they want to protect seals but actually want to impose vegetarianism on the entire society.

The European Union’s decision of Monday, July 27, to boycott seal products is so cynical that it ignores all scientific arguments, proposes not a single measure in favour of animal welfare and violates international free trade rules.

I therefore unreservedly support your initiative of appealing the EU decision to the World Trade Organization.  However, I believe that more needs to be done.

Recently Prime Minister Stephen Harper approved $3 billion worth of assistance for General Motors and $1 billion for Chrysler.  Seal hunters have just as much right to government protection of their jobs as automobile workers do.

I therefore urge you to approach the Prime Minister about swift financial compensation for our seal hunters, threatened as they are by ideologues and a European decision that is highly questionable both legally and morally.

This financial compensation for loss of income should continue until the WTO hands down its final decision and/or the dispute with the EU has been settled.

In 2006, the seal hunt generated over $55 million for the economy of Newfoundland and Labrador and $1 million for the Aboriginal populations of Nunavut.  The hunt provides jobs for more than 6,000 seasonal workers in the province of Newfoundland alone.

These economic spinoffs will increase once the threat from the vegetarian lobby groups disappears, since companies will then be able to invest without fear of harassment in research and development of seal-derived products (collagen, omega-3, heart valves, and so on).  This will maximize the use made of each animal harvested, which is the sign of a steadily “greener” hunt.

To ensure the long-term survival of the hunt, I am convinced that an international consensus on seal hunting practices must be reached.  That is why last April I released the Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvest of Seals (www.sealsonline.org).  Ultimately the Declaration will have to be tabled to the United Nations.

I appeal to you to consider supporting this approach, as the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has already done, so that Canada can assume world leadership in the protection of communities that live from the seal hunt, guarantee the promotion of hunting practices that respect animal welfare and the environment, and adopt the means needed to combat lobby groups that are as dangerous as they are powerful.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

The Honourable Céline Hervieux-Payette, PC


Read the letter (PDF format)PDF format

Immediate financial compensation for the sealing industry

28 July 2021 at 10h26


OTTAWA, July 28, 2021 - In response to the European Union’s unacceptable decision to boycott seal products, Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette demands immediate financial compensation for the sealing industry until such time as the WTO hands down its decision.


I will be writing this week to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to say that I am 100% behind the appeal to the WTO but that by itself it’s nowhere near enough. The Harper government has given GM and the automobile industry’s wage earners billions in assistance; I can’t believe that we will let the Canadians on the East Coast go under for much less than that. - Senator Hervieux-Payette.


Read the press release     Visit the website www.sealsonline.org


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