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S'enregistrer au Flux RSS Le Sénat du Canada
Blog > Economy > Liberals for the development of the Port of Montreal
May 28

Liberals for the development of the Port of Montreal

The conservative government has shown once more its disregard for the province of Québec and Eastern Canada by failing to invest and promote the Port of Montreal as an import gateway for long term economic development and prosperity. Liberal Senators and MPs visited the Port of Montreal and were shown the importance of the St-Lawrence Great Lakes trade gateway in strenghening the Canadian economy.

” The Prime Minister just doesn’t get it, he claims to have an “action plan” to stimulate and grow our economy but fails to show any sign of leadership when it comes to modernising our trading infrastructure”, said Senator Hervieux-Payette.

I invite you to take a look at the attached presentation demonstrating the economic benefits for Eastern Canada in the urgent need to invest in the Port of Montréal.

 The St-Lawrence Great Lakes Trade Gateway PDF

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