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S'enregistrer au Flux RSS Le Sénat du Canada
Blog > Health > No To The National Rifle Association of America
Dec 04

No To The National Rifle Association of America

Minuteman Statue

Scrapping the gun registry would be a monumental mistake that could cost the lives of innocent Canadians and police officers. The gun registry is an essential component of a civilized country. It is a must to protect our families, our police forces and our communities.

The recent events in the U.S. demonstrate that guns kill innocent people and their proliferation is making our communities less safe. The gun registry is close to 10000 times a day by police forces throughout the country and was used in Québec days after the Dawson School shooting to stop an individual from committing a similar act.

The financial cost associated with the gun registry is negligible in terms of the cost of preventing the loss of human life. The gun registry is aimed at preventing gun crime and does not penalize responsible owners who possess firearms for hunting or recreational use.

To those who say that gun crime is solely committed by individuals possessing illegal firearms I would like to point out that the two massacres that occurred in academic institutions in Québec were committed using legally owned firearms.

This is why the Liberal Party of Canada strongly believes that all firearms must be efficiently controlled and regulated. The gun registry is a tool in the prevention of violent crimes and sends a message to Canadians that legal firearm ownership is an acceptable part of our society.

I can assure you that I will stand up for the right of every possible innocent victim, including those who intend to commit suicide using firearms. It is important to remember that gun ownership is not a fundamental right in Canada but is a privilege, which can be vested only in responsible citizens.

This weekend I urge you  to reflect on this the impact of violent crimes have on our society and remember the lives of the 14 women who lost their lives 20 years ago on the 6th of December whose legacy helped create the gun registry.

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