S-224: An Act respecting National Seal and Seafood Products Day

AA Promo Loi phoque.jpgIn a difficult economic climate in which the legitimacy of the seal harvest has been opposed by lobbies who succeeded in getting the European Union to boycott Canadian seal products and delaying the opening of the Chinese market for these products, National Seal and Seafood Products Day would be evidence of the Parliament of Canada’s unwavering support for this activity and for people who make their living harvesting marine resources.

National Seal and Seafood Products Day will be an opportunity to celebrate our coastal communities, to pay tribute to their hard work and draw attract the attention of Canadians to quality “Made in Canada” products.

National Seal and Seafood Products Day will be celebrated every year on May 20, thus marking the end of the seal harvesting season, which take place primarily from late March to mid-May.

May 20 is also the day on which the European Union celebrates European Maritime Day.


Read my press release