Dear Mr. President,
My Canadian parliamentary colleagues and I cried tears of joy with you this week as the 33 heroic and courageous miners were safely rescued.
We also shared your nervousness while awaiting their safe rescue.
Through your intermediary, let me transmit to them our wishes of health and happiness with their families.
We also transmit our congratulations for the incredible effort your country has invested in such an unprecedented rescue operation. We admire the solidarity your country demonstrated in such a trying time.
Long life to these brave miners! You can count on our cooperation, as a country already present in the mining sector in Chile, to prevent any accidents in the future.
Assuring you of our deep friendship, please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration.
The Honourable Céline Hervieux-Payette P.C.
CC: The Minister of mining of Chile - Hon. Laurence Golborne Riveros
The President of the Senate of Chile - Hon. Jorge Pizarro
The President of the Chamber of Deputies of Chile - Hon. Alejandra Sepúlveda Orbenes
Members of the Foreign Affairs commissions