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Post under ‘Fur Institute of Canada’ tag

The Fur Institute of Canada supports the Universal Declaration of the Ethical Harvest of Seals

1 April 2021 at 10h01


OTTAWA, April 1st, 2010 – “The support of the Universal Declaration of the Ethical Harvest of Seals by the Fur Institute of Canada demonstrates the extent of popular support for this industry and its commitment to ethics and conservation”, said Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette who lead the project.


The Fur Institute of Canada, a national non-profit organization based in Ottawa, was established in 1983 on the initiative of the Federal, Provincial and Territorial Wildlife Ministers. Its overall mission is to promote the sustainable and wise use of Canada’s fur resources. The Fur Institute’s Sealing Committee acts as a network for seal-related issues and works with stakeholders to provide balanced stories on Conservation, Marine Management, Animal Welfare, Socio-Economics and Human Health.


“On behalf of the Board of Directors, members of the Fur Institute of Canada and our Seals and Sealing Network, I am pleased to offer this letter of support for The Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvest of Seals” wrote Robert B. Cahil, the Executive Director of the Fur Institute of Canada. “Like Canada’s 60,000 trappers who have embraced international trapping standards, sealers support and promote a conservation and welfare ethic in earning their livelihood from the sea. […] Initiatives like “We Care” will help to give a voice to a growing movement to further promote these values,” he added.


The Declaration has also received the support of the governments of Newfoundland and Labrador and Québec along with the Fur Council of Canada and the international organization for animal conservation IWMC World Conservation Trust based in Switzerland.

Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette urges all governments and concerned organizations to promote and study the application of the Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvest of Seals written by a panel of experts (www.sealsonline.org).


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