Le Senateur

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Archive from January 2010

Ethics are not limited to animals

27 January 2021 at 10h00


 Following an anti-sealing activist’s attack on the Hon. Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Senator Hervieux-Payette spoke out in support of the Minister’s efforts on behalf of the sealing industry and condemned the actions of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

The Minister was delivering a speech in Ontario on January 25 when an activist hit her in the face with a tofu cream pie.

PETA claimed responsibility for the incident. The organization promotes a vegetarian society and is well known for its stance against the fisheries and the seal hunt. PETA stated in a news release that this action was part of its campaign to “stop the government” from supporting the seal hunt.

“The vegetarian lobbies have turned into extremists. They do not respect our democratic institutions and use savage tactics to achieve their goals, which greatly discredits their cause,” said Senator Hervieux-Payette.

“I am completely convinced that this attack, which PETA claims responsibility for, is simply fund-raising propaganda,” she said, alluding to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)—another anti-sealing organization—which is using the earthquake in Haiti to raise funds, supposedly to rescue the island’s animals.

Press Release

The Fur Council of Canada supports the Universal Declaration of the Ethical Harvest of Seals

21 January 2021 at 10h42


I have the pleasure of announcing that the Canadian Fur Council officially supports the Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvest of Seals. This event is significant because there is a growing number of organizations, governments and people who realize that the Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvesting of Seals, as an appropriate measure to ensure that the use of Seals by Canadians for personal or commercial uses, is both ethical and sustainable. This announcement is of great importance because the Canadian Fur Council is an organization that regroups many individuals from artisans to hunters.

The Canadian Fur Council has long been an ally to the cause of defending the right of aboriginal and coastal communities in Canada to harvest seals. I must also give praise for their help in organizing demonstrations as well as aiding in forming a coalition of persons who share the belief that the Seal hunt is morally right and that measures have been taken by governments and organizations to ensure that this activity is carried out with the best knowledge of vetenarian science, aboriginal knowledge, ethical principles and environmental conservation.

Through their website www.furisgreen.com they have helped articulate the truth about the fur industry in Canada and how important conservation and animal welfare are important for the industry. I therefore urge individuals to check their website as well as for people to sign the petition regarding the Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvesting of Seals at www.sealsonline.org.


Press Release


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